Young Girl 2

From Kirara Fantasia
Name/Japanese: A Young Girl Living at a Valley Town (渓谷の町に住む少女)
Artist: Aizaki Utau (相崎うたう) [1]

Description (Japanese)[edit | edit source]

メインクエスト第4章の舞台となった渓谷の町の 1つに住んでいる幼い少女。ソルトに捕らえられて いた「Aチャンネル」のるんの目撃情報をきらら たちに教えてくれた。",

Description (English)[edit | edit source]

This is a young girl that lives in one of the valley towns that were the stage for Chapter 4 from the Main Story.

She told Kirara and the others where she saw Run from „A-Channel“ who was held captive by Salt.